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RackSEAL Air Barrier - Mcab - compressed expanding foam tape for rack cabinets
(25mm x 48mm) 10ft

RackSEAL air barrier has been developed to seal the gaps between rack rails and the side panels to prevent hot exhaust air migrating to the front of the rack. Whilst blanking panels seal unused rack space little attention has been given to the area between the rails and the side panels. Preventing hot exhaust air recirculating within and between IT equipment racks plays an important role in improving airflow management and reducing data centre cooling costs. With blanking panels being used to seal unused rack space, hot air has still been able to migrate to the front of the racks via the gaps between mounting angles and sides of racks, externally between racks and underneath racks that are on castors. What was needed was an air barrier that would effectively seal these areas – RackSEAL rack air barrier.

RackSEAL rack air barrier is a compressed foam tape that expands to fill a range of gap sizes and works with 600mm or 800mm wide racks. The RackSEAL air barrier is easy to install, as it is self adhesive and is simply stuck to the side of the rack, the base of the rack or to the mounting rails. RackSEAL air barrier still permits cables to be passed between the side of the rack and the rails, and simply moulds itself around them to ensure gaps are sealed.

• Slow expansion allows RackSEAL air barrier to be installed without disturbing cables.
• Black in colour, and supplied on pre-compressed rolls.
• Self adhesive acrylic scrim makes installation of air barrier quick and easy.
• Virtually no particulation.
• RackSEAL air barrier is free from chlorinated compounds, CFC and halogens.
• Temperature operating range: -30°C to 130°C.
• Fire retardent: Class B1 as laid out in DIN 4102-1.


• RackSEAL air barrier prevents hot air recirculating between rack sides and mounting rails, between racks or underneath the rack.
• Reduces hot spots caused by hot air recirculation.
• Less heat contamination of conditioned cool air.
• Helps cut data centre cooling costs.
• RackSEAL air barrier seals around cables.


Tape Width: 25mm (0.98″)
Expanded Depth : 48mm (1.89″)
Roll Length: 3.3m (129.9″)