Partner Manufacturers - Product Information

Privacy Policy

Privacy, Security & GDPR 


GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation. This comes into force on Friday 25th May 2018. This is a regulation by which the European Commission intends to strengthen and unify data protection for individuals within the European Union (EU). It also addresses export of personal data outside the EU. The main purpose of the legislation is to regulate businesses selling to consumers and not so much business to business activity where personal data is not generally held, but still has to be addressed. 


Mediatron Ltd - GDPR Company Statement

Mediatron has fully addressed and taken required actions to comply with the GDPR. As Mediatron Ltd is a trade distributor, it does not generally deal with consumers or hold any non business, non required level type of personal data. Nevertheless, our standard procedures have been checked and are followed to ensure we fully comply. Mediatron Ltd is committed to protecting all of its customers, suppliers and associates by taking steps to always comply with any existing UK and the new EU GDPR rulings.

We have checked our procedures to maintain the appropriate data protection processes are in line. Mediatron Ltd is engaged in selling goods and services to the channel, corporate trade and limited government or public-sector enterprises and any marketing activity is directed at these enterprises. Mediatron may hold limited data on individuals working in these organisations, of which is limited to name, job title, organization email address and telephone numbers. We do not hold any personal data such as home addresses or any personal credit card or bank details.

We would like to give you the option to opt in to receive marketing information as you wish. In the legitimate pursuit of this business and ongoing customer support data is held, customers can control this for support reminders and opt out of any marketing contact. 

Limited contact data is held for legitimate support reasons such as warranty and after sales services but this data will not be available for marketing without consent or passed on to third parties. Contact data will only be supplied to our manufacturers or support services with your consent as required.


After taking a review of our data protection policy we have implemented the following;

• Appointed a Data Protection Officer

• Reviewed the actual data we hold

• Identified how this data was or is collected

• Reviewed how we use that this data and make sure it is only used for the legitimate pursuit of business to business activity or service & support.

• Reviewed our processes for responding to requests to delete, amend or restrict data.

• Reviewed our processes for providing access to data when legitimate requests are made.

• Reviewed our consent mechanism. For our Business to Business activity our unsubscribe policy meets best practice and legislative guidelines.

• Reviewed the need for a Data Protection Impact Assessment

• Reviewed our international data to be controlled in the same way


Information Security ISO 27001


Mediatron's Management System is also compliant with the International Standard ISO 27001:2022 for Information security management systems to the satisfaction of Quality Management and Training Limited Home - QM&T ( for further information please contact . 





Any personal or company data held has to be protected to the best possible degree. Mediatron Ltd has been assessed and certified by CYBER ESSENTIALS. A primary objective of the UK Government's National Cyber Security Strategy is to make the UK a safer place to conduct business online and from 1 October 2014 all suppliers must be compliant with the new Cyber Essentials controls if bidding for government contracts which involve handling of sensitive and personal information and provision of certain technical products and services. Certificate No. 9425321606194320





Fortinet delivers the best Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution providing top-rated protection with simplified management and rich reporting. Tight integration of network connectivity, wireless access, and even endpoint security with UTM creates a robust solution, extending security to the corners of your network. More Information available at





Inhouse Card terminal Security

Your credit card details are not kept by Mediatron Ltd, after any and all transactions have been completed. Additionally to the above, our in-house Card processing procedures for the use of direct card transactions our terminals and staff handling are PCI DSS Merchant Compliant. Assessed, validated and verified by Security Metrics (SM). SM is a PCI certified Approved Scanning Vendor, Security Assessor & Managed Security provider. Visit for more Info.





Cookie policy and IP Addresses

Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web browser when you visit Internet sites. Your browser stores each message in a small file, called cookie.txt . When you request another page from the server, your browser sends the cookie back to the server.

Our website may collect information about your computer to optimise your experience. Our cookies help you navigate the site and allow us to tailor content to fit your needs. This includes features like possibly showing you products related to those you have already viewed, remembering you should you wish to leave the site and come back later, or if you choose to go back on past viewed pages.

IP address - The only way a Web server can send the contents of a Web page to your browser is if it has your computer's address on the network. IP addresses, in and of themselves, do not contain any personally identifiable information about you. ... Cookies are another way for an outside source to track your Web surfing habits.

We may use cookies to monitor how you use the website and improve or enhance your experience of the favoured products or services. Most bowsers allow cookies but you may use much of the site without accepting cookies, although some cookies are essential for flowing experience.  Different browsers have different cookie settings but you can control the cookies if you wish by excepting or not excepting when the option comes up on screen. You can also turn off or reject or delete existing cookies on your computer this may affect the quality of the experience using the website.

Please note our website webserver is not linked to our system operational data servers.