Partner Manufacturers - Product Information


UPD-SADCC-100 UPTIME DEVICES 100 Dry Contact Cable (Environmental Sensor)

Dry Contact Sensor

Dry Contact Sensor

* Measurement Range: Alarm / Normal
* Measurement Rate: One reading each second
* Communications Cable: RJ-45 to sensor using 15, 60, or 100 foot Helix High Temperature Cable
* Sensor Power: No additional power needed
* Input: The input pin can then sense whether a switch is open or closed by the completion or interruption of the circuit

Dry Contact Sensor

* Measurement Range: Alarm / Normal
* Measurement Rate: One reading each second
* Communications Cable: RJ-45 to sensor using 15, 60, or 100 foot Helix High Temperature Cable
* Sensor Power: No additional power needed
* Input: The input pin can then sense whether a switch is open or closed by the completion or interruption of the circuit

Dry Contact Sensor