Partner Manufacturers - Product Information


PEX-16INDF-IEC20M-02 2Mtr. 16 Amp.IND309 Socket - IEC 320 C20 16 A Amp Male Mains Power adaptor cable. IND309-C20

16AMP IND309 Socket to C20 Plug

16 Amp.IND309 Socket - IEC 320 C20 16 A Amp Male Mains Power adaptor cable.

Allows a PDU with an Industrial 309 Plug to be connected into an IEC C19 Socket 16 Amp output from a UPS.
May also me suitable for other devices.

16 Amp.IND309 Socket - IEC 320 C20 16 A Amp Male Mains Power adaptor cable

Allows a PDU with an Industrial 309 Plug to be connected into an IEC C19 Socket 16 Amp output from a UPS.

16 Amp.IND309 Socket - IEC 320 C20 Plug 16 Amp at 240 volts

Minimum core size 1.5mm cable

Rating 16Amp Maximum